Holy Cross Mural painted by Tampa Artist Ashley Cassens at a residential home in South Tampa, FL USA

✨BACK STORY: My clients wanted a scene, standing under the gates of their alma mater, Holy Cross, in the fall (and the sign is a portal of sorts with the door) with their two kids and their cats, both past and present. 💝
I don’t ever get to paint fall trees in Florida!
I GOT TO PAINT PEOPLE! (my favorite)
Amazing clients who trusted me and my ability to make design and visual choices that would make this mural pop and flow, compositionally
The cats were super fun to paint!
The girls, KB and Sunny were so excited and curious and recognized themselves on the wall right away!
The flowers and the green shrubbery was a joy to paint!
The angles and perspective were super tricky and I was often switching from multiple reference photos of trees, gates and people. I never learned so much about a gate! 😆
The narrow wooden fence on the propertydidn’t allow me to get back far enough to use all the time saving tricks so I sketched out A LOT and was super patient with myself (not easy).
Here's some in progress shots of the whole project form START to FINISH:


Here are some more close ups of the family and the cats in order of appearance L to R: Ina (cat), Bishop (cat) Kevin, KB, Julie, Sunny, Nina (cat) and Rookie (cat) which were THE BEST to paint.
Before and After of the Holy Cross mural
and a rather entertaining video of me painting cats, hah!
Thanks, as always for allowing me to live out my purpose with a paintbrush!
xo, Ashley
P.S. If you're curious about how to get a gorgeous mural in YOUR space, go here.