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Ashley Cassens
Jul 1, 20194 min read
How I made that + Summer Updates
working on details of "Deanna" oil on canvas 20" x 24" What's new? Me here, the lady who is really bad about updating her blog! Also me,...

Ashley Cassens
Jul 20, 20181 min read
Imagine Making a Rainbow
Beat a rainy summer day into submission by joining me at the Imagine Museum tomorrow for Pop-Up Art! Children and families are invited to...

Ashley Cassens
Jul 14, 20183 min read
yo, Teach!
Hi Friends! It's been a wild month. Two shows, our first family vacay with a baby (success!), and dun da da dun - a new job! I'm...

Ashley Cassens
Jul 3, 20181 min read
July Shows
Hey friends! I have two shows in the Tampa Bay area this month. Hope you can check them out! June 30th - September 29th, 2018 @ ENIGMA...

Ashley Cassens
Feb 19, 20182 min read
New Works on Paper!
Check out these new works on paper by Tampa artist, Ashley Cassens, as she shares intimate moments of her pregnancy through drawing and pain

Ashley Cassens
Jan 16, 20181 min read
First Interview of 2018!
Thank you to Peripheral ARTeries, who included me in a Special 2018 issue! Please follow the links below to view the digital mag. Some...

Ashley Cassens
Dec 15, 20171 min read
Paintings That Will Ask You to Remember
I've been s-l-o-w-l-y plugging away, in between commissions drying, at a new series, titled: dear Merritt, It's a body of small oil...

Ashley Cassens
Dec 8, 20171 min read
How to: Varnish an Oil Painting
If you're like me, you're impatient waiting for paint for dry and don't have 6+ months to wait for a painting to be varnished. Yet, you...

Ashley Cassens
Nov 14, 20172 min read
Gratitude for PRIMED: a Painterly Exhibition at Red Door No. 5 Gallery
PRIMED: an art exhibition that explores the endless possibilities of paint featuring three Florida Artists

Ashley Cassens
Oct 31, 20172 min read
Why I let strangers into my bedroom (and I'm doing it again).
Does it bother me to present my private exchanges in a public space? No. Was I hesitant? Sure.

Ashley Cassens
Oct 10, 20171 min read
How to: Painting What You See (Not what you know)
Hi friends! I'm back with a crash course video on how to paint what you SEE and not what you KNOW. Is an apple really red? Is the sky...

Ashley Cassens
Oct 3, 20172 min read
October already?!
I know it seems absurd to mention the C-word (Christmas) and consequently the H-word (Holidays) but I'm going in! Start thinking about...

Ashley Cassens
Sep 13, 20173 min read
Hello, September!
STORM UPDATE: While September has thus far been a roller coaster, thanks to Hurricane Ir... you know. I'm not even go to finish that...

Ashley Cassens
Aug 14, 20172 min read
August in the Studio
Welcome to my studio! A lot has changed since May! I am quasi-moved into my new home studio space. It's a loft space which provides...

Ashley Cassens
Jul 24, 20175 min read
5 Things I learned from Steven Assael's Workshop
In the spring I had the pleasure of meeting and learning from esteemed artist, Steven Assael, at the Armory Art Center. Coming into the...

Ashley Cassens
Jul 19, 20171 min read
SHOW: Projections @ The Bunker
tre amici at The Bunker presents the highly chromatic oil paintings of visual artist Ashley Cassens from Sun. August 13th 4pm through Sun...

Ashley Cassens
Jun 9, 20171 min read
How To: How to Make Your Own Viewfinder
Drawing and painting can be rough. Simplifying your composition is the first step in making a great drawing and painting. In this...

Ashley Cassens
May 29, 20171 min read
Farewell, May
Byeeeeee As school's are closing, bbq's are firing and summer vacations are launching, I wanted to send a quick thank you for so many new...

Ashley Cassens
May 26, 20171 min read
How to: Gold Leaf
Happy Friday, y'all! Gather around the proverbial fire as I drop a little art hack for the weekend. I'm using gold leaf imitation (not...

Ashley Cassens
May 26, 20171 min read
How To: Create a Value Scale
Happy Friday! Today's art hack debunks creating value scales on your palette. Check out how to quickly make one of your own, using oil or...
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